
Hi there! Chances are if you’re reading this, you are most probably in the Can I Breastfeed In It UK Facebook group. This would mean you are well aware of what this blog is about and already reaping the rewards the group has to offer within its community 😊

I’ll quickly introduce myself! My name is Natalie. I’m a first time mum to my 9 month old, Brandon Thor. Since becoming a mum, I have become quite the breastfeeding enthusiast/advocate and consider myself a lactivist. I’ve actually never been big on fashion – always just had a static unique style which revolved around finding clothing that flatters my voluptuous size 16 curves. Since starting the Facebook group I’ve learnt a lot about fashion and have developed quite an interest in it. 

If by some twist of fate you have happened to stumble across this blog randomly or you have clicked on a link someone has shared, here’s a quick explanation:

On the highstreet today, there is no such thing as ‘breastfeeding fashion’. We have maternity clothes which have practical features for nursing, we have nursing bras which can kill your libido as quickly as David Cameron (if you are lucky enough to find your size) and we have expensive same-y nursing tops dotted about in specialist shops such as Jojo Maman Bebe. A lot of high street retailers seem to think a nursing mother will be using her maternity wear for the few months she plans on breastfeeding. Ok so yes, the statistics aren’t exactly in our favour (1% of women in the UK exclusively breastfeeding by the time their baby is 6 months) and natural term (2 years +) breastfeeding is considered a bit of a taboo and not really talked about with the exception of negative press, which means a lot of high street retailers are blind to our needs. Note how I haven’t actually mentioned online retailers yet – I’ll get to that later. 

It’s not that we want our own specialist range of nursing clothing with special gaps and zips (although it couldn’t hurt). It’s not JUST about having easy boob access. Hell, we could just all start wearing button down shirts! It’s about going into a shop (whether it be on the highstreet or online) and not having to scour the store for the odd top or dress that answers ‘yes’ to the question that constantly goes through our minds: “Can I breastfeed in it?” 

It could be as simple as retailers adding a nursing friendly filter on their online shops to make the experience that bit more straightforward and quick. The first retailer to figure out that little tweak will gain a nice influx of new customers. There is nice practical BF clothing there on the net – it’s just finding it which can sometimes prove tricky. 

Since creating the Facebook group back in mid March, in the space of just 3 months, we are now counting over 3000 members. If this isn’t a sign of a gap in the market, I don’t know what is! A place where experience, clothing finds, reviews, accessories, new (relevant) businesses and more can be shared with each other! The group is truly a credit to its members. 

A great BF friendly find could consist of many things – it might mean you can easily get a boob out over the top, it might be a top which provides the necessary modesty a new mum might need as she gets to grips with nurturing her child, it might be a dress for a special occasion which whilst being flattering on the mum-tum is also practical for easy boob access or something as simple as a pretty nursing bra.  

This is just an experimental post to see whether this is a blog worth putting time into! If it goes down well then I will be on the lookout for guest bloggers, reviewers and I might ask to feature a photo or two from within the group (with permission of course!). Do leave a comment to let me know what you think and whether you’d be interested in reading more 🙂

Thanks for reading!  

17 thoughts on “Introduction”

  1. I’m just new to breastfeeding (my baby is 7 weeks old), but have already found the group really useful. Would definitely be interested in reading future blogs.


    1. Well done you! I am in Ireland but luckily we have mostly the same shops and sure online is universal 😉 I love seeing all the notifications popping up daily 🙂 I struggled to find something suitable for my sons christening – deal with access, mum tum, butt, thighs, big boobs and so on and kinda ended up dressing like my mom… My Mom has lovely clothes and always looks great but I wanted to look like a yummy mummy not the fashionable nana 😉 I think the Facebook page is fab and look forward to future blogs!!


  2. Hi, this is baby number 3 for me, & with each baby I seem to have grown in confidence with breastfeeding.
    My first born, now 6, I fed exclusively for 2 wks. After a traumatic crash c-section birth, & a baby who wanted feeding every 1-2 hrs night & day I lasted as long as I could.
    Boy number 2, soon to be 3, I mixed fed for about 10 wks & really actually enjoyed the bf experience.
    So much so, that I now have a little girly, 3 months, who I am exclusively bf! I think me being more relaxed about it, knowing what to expect & her going 3 hrs ish between feeds, & more content make it easier to carry on!
    So now I’m bf longer than ever before, I am much more aware of the lack of decent clothing too-retailers should make bf friendly versions of their normal clothes, with a few simple tweeks!


  3. I’m in the group and am already finding it invaluable. A blog would be amazing for rounding finds up though. As sometimes groups can move too quickly.


  4. I love the facebook group, it’s given me some great ideas for clothes instead of me wearing the good old vest tops and jeans all the time. As a new mum you need a bit of self confidence and the group has given me that just by showing me that you don’t have to be frumpy to breastfeed. I will certainly be reading your blog with interest.
    Sarah xx


  5. As a first time mum like yourself I’ve found it really hard going from being able to buy the clothes I want in the style I want. Breastfeeding tops tend to be all samey and quite honestly, expensive.. So to have a feature on normal shop websites pointing us in the direction of tops/dresses that have the flexibility a nursing mother needs would actually make a massive difference in the shopping experience of mums. Hopefully your blog will get back to the leading fashion companies and they can start the trend of a nursing friendly search feature.


  6. Fantastic blog and congratulations on the success of the group!
    I love making myself funky nursing clothes as I do often find anything on the high street to be full or, as you say, ‘samey’. Good for you for starting all this


  7. Great blog. It’ll also help people who are googling or searching for clothes to feed in which incidentally, is how I found your group (fb search I think). I’ve made lots of purchases since being a member of the group and also used discount codes that members have posted and recommended websites I’d never heard of before. Keep up the good work! X


  8. Great blog! Thank you for setting up the Facebook group, I only found it a couple of days ago but I know it will become an invaluable resource. Hopefully it will stop demoralising drawn out shopping trips trying to find something suitable for both my 7 month old and me! Keep up the good work and thank you 😀


  9. Love the Facebook group. Definitely looking forward to more from your blog. I bf my now 3 yo son for a year and now 8 weeks into my new bf journey with my daughter. More confident now, I’m looking for clothing that I can feed anywhere discretely that are not expensive or scream bf mummy (viable clips, empire line pull up gaps etc.). Also occasion wear for weddings and eventually daughters christening.

    really looking for to more



  10. I’m very interested in this blog. The shopping website filter is an ace idea – just this week I’ve had to send two dresses back to as the front was a false buttondown.
    That filter would have saved me time and them money (Asos has free postage and returns).


  11. Just found this blog and awaiting approval to Facebook group. Second time mum, ebf my daughter for 15mths and ebf son who is 11wks. I have a wedding coming up and hubby is best man my daughter is flower girl so wanted something nice to wear that I felt nice in but could feed easily as have a very hungry boy! Hoping to find something through wonders of Facebook


  12. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. That’s for the blog and the “Can I breastfeed in it?” Facebook page. Being a new Mum at 40, having a curvaceous size 16 figure, plus I now have the added (and dreaded) huge boobs of an I cup! Freaking I cup!
    My first nursing bra fitting was bad enough but then where we’re the clothes? This page has taught me about confidence & to look in highstreet shops and start thinking like a new sexy mum, “oooh I can breastfeed in this and not look frumpy- woo hoo!” Or “ooh these dresses are just the ticket”.
    My bank balance is taking a hammering but that’s because at last we are all looking for the same thing, beautiful nursing clothes.

    Liked by 1 person

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